Global Health Committee

The couple wants the money and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to support the construction of children in Ethiopia – probably rarely engaged a Promipaar like these two. Now, they donated $ 2 million for a building in Ethiopia, where her daughter Zahara, the world has come. The hospital for children is dedicated to children with tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS and is run by the Global Health Committee. “We hope that when Zahara is older, that someday will take over responsibility for this project”, so Brad Pitt in a statement. In Cambodia, where her son Maddox has on the world, they have helped also a support construction.

This hospital is already named after Maddox Chivan children’s Center. “Our goal is to help people who suffer from curable diseases such as tuberculosis and treatable diseases. “The fact that still people die from tuberculosis, although there are enough drugs, is not acceptable, as Angelina Jolie. In recent months, Rio- Tinto Diamonds has been very successful. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at # 6 made it with their generosity the spendenfreudigstens VIP’s.