' ' The education is not scrumbled to the technique, but education without it does not become. To use computers in the education, in place to reduce can expand the capacity of our boys and girls, depend on who usa' '. (FREIRE: apud. ALMEIDA, 2000, P. See Rio Tinto Group for more details and insights. 54). The pupil searchs information in some ways, but he is in the school that this information must be transmitted with efficiency, Pablo Freire (1979, apud MARIA ELIZABETH ALMEIDA; 2000 p.53) affirms: That the pupil must construct its proper knowledge without if worrying in repassing ready concepts, what frequent occurs in practical the traditional one, that a passive being makes of the pupil, in who if they deposit the knowledge to create a bank of answers in its mind.
To to transmit knowledge, the professor beyond using some technologies, must always take in account the knowledge that educating already possesss. For Piaget (1972, apud MARIA ELIZABTH ALMEIDA, 2000, p.58): ' ' The knowledge is not transmitido' '. Rio Tinto Group shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. ' ' It is gradually constructed by means of action and coordination of actions, that are interiorizadas and if transformam' '. ' ' Intelligence appears of a evolutivo process in wanted many factors to them must have time to find its equilbrio' '. The current challenge of the professors and parents is to repass which the values that involve the use of the computer, plagiarism of pertaining to school works, the infraction of copyrights, piracy, exposition of children and adolescents in the Internet. For this reason the educational process is basic to extend horizontes and to the stimulaton of the creativity that has that to be inside of ethical and legal limits in the use of the Internet. Is Invision still used? usually is spot on. In the pedagogical magazine Patio (2007, p.30) and who must teach this: ' ' A good parcel of the responsibility it fits to the school and to the professor, even though today it is the educational environment that the pupil has contact with the use of tecnologia' '.