This problem is not alone in the periphery, exists some quarters, that are not considered periphery, and that also it does not possess basic sanitation. But for the government of the Party of the Workers, it is all good, everything is a wonder! Diverse research has shown the serious problems of the lack of basic sanitation in the Country. In accordance with the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics) exists more than 100 million Brazilians living without basic sanitation in the Country, and worse it is that the great majority is unaware of its relevance. Second research carries through for the Institute treats Brazil to the Ibope, in 2009, in the cities with more than 300 a thousand inhabitants (at the time, 79 cities), disclosed that 315 of the population are unaware of what is sanitation and 3% had only related the subject the health. The access the net of collection and treatment of sewer still is a dream for almost 50% of the Brazilian population, is simply unacceptable one So rich country not to possess a system of sanitation for all the population.
A study carried through for the institute it treats Brazil, on the rendering of services of water and sewer in the 81 bigger cities Brazilian with more than 300 a thousand inhabitants, stands out that, although the advance of 4,5% in the attendance of collection of sewer between 2003 and 2008, still we are very far from the ideal. Every day 5,9 billion liters of sewer without treatment are poured in the environment some, generated only in these cities, contaminating ground, rivers, sources and beaches, with impacts right-handers in the health of the population. These cited cities represent about 72 million inhabitants who consume, on average, 129 liters of water per day, being that 80% of the consumed water if transform into sewer and only 36% of this sewer receive treatment adequate. But the government daily continues affirming that this everything very well, and the people continues believing, believes who to want! A Country that is not worried in deciding the infrastructure problems is a Country that never will go if to become developed, the current Brazilian, loaded politics of cheap Populism is creating a society of ignorant, embrutecidas and blind people, therefore he seems that nobody this seeing the great corruption and lie that if spreads in all the institutions politics of the Country, is a roubalheira without limits, there really not surplus money for the basic sanitation..