In the present article will be treated concerning the Education in the Average Age, has since the Average Age represents one? watershed? for all the posterior thought and times: time marked for significant transformations and mainly, in regards to Education, because it was the time where if it left the exacerbado Christianity, and propitiated a favorable environment so that it was arrived at Modernity. The present article presents divided in three points central offices, the first one if it presents called for ‘ ‘ Church and Mdia’ Age; ‘ , where a communication on the power of the Church is carried through and of as it was dominant institution in the Average Age. In as the point, called for ‘ ‘ Scholastic symbol of the university medieval’ ‘ , where one will be about the explanation of as they are ‘ ‘ quaestio disputatas’ ‘ that they constitute in the form as the pupils were taught in the Universities, and finally, the third point, calls ‘ ‘ Toms de Aquino and? Of Magistro? ‘ ‘ , where one is about importance of Toms de Aquino who consists of a theologian, philosopher, beyond master and doctor of the faith, that later was canonizado saint due its significant importance, since that if it cannot make Philosophy without dealing with this author of exponential. DEVELOPMENT 1.Igreja and Average Age the Average Age was a situated period approximately between centuries V and XV (476-1453), and was mainly marked by the domain of the Church Catholic on all the Culture and Education of the time. The Europe was weakened had to a series of factors amongst them mainly the economic crises successive derivatives of the decay of the Roman Empire and to the constant barbarous attacks. Since Conclio de Nicia (325), the Church started to represent one of most important and powerful institutions of this period, aiming at intention to keep an order and this made possible that it accumulated of stocks all power on all the Society.