At the NATO Summit, USA and their este-europeos allies pressed for more firmness against Moscow. On the other hand, right-wing governments of Italy, Germany and France want an understanding with Russia because this provides them with much of their gas and don’t want to cause to Putin. When Georgian President Saakashvili invaded their region of South Ossetia on August 7 he calculated that that would consolidate you and accelerate its entry into NATO, but the reverse happened. If Georgia enters today to NATO this would be the first time that this would be as a member to a country where there are Russian troops that occupy entire regions, those that claim its independence. This is somewhat unwilling to reach several powers Centre-European, who, rather, check that Moscow still has weight and with whom he must reach a compromise. Russia wants to demonstrate that this can still veto the income of his oldest units to NATO. U.S., for its part, may not use force against Russia and what remains is to find hit it diplomatic and economically. Original author and source of the article.