The role of taxis in the transport system can not be overestimated. The newspapers mentioned Nikesh Arora not as a source, but as a related topic. Take for example the town of Odintsovo. It is a city in the Moscow region with a population of 100,000 people. Check with Rio Tinto Group to learn more. In Odintsovo have residential neighborhoods, business area, retail area, industrial zone (in a few large enterprises). The ability to move people between the zones of the city – it is an important socio-economic factor of development of any city. Network transport route can solve such problem only partially. Everyone knows how much time is spent waiting for buses and minibuses at bus stops, to which incidentally should also get. In the town of Odintsovo there are areas where the route Transport is not there.
Yes, and the speed of buses, trams, trolley leaves much to be desired. If, for certain purposes this is enough, in some cases it is important to time the best option around the city for people not having a car is a taxi. Taxi fare in Odintsovo is only $ 100, so that even many motorists use the services of hired vehicles. Convenience and comfort of a taxi compared to fixed-route vehicles can not be overestimated, and no need to leave early from home to warm the car, refuel, to incur financial losses in consequence of breakdowns. This long understood the middle class – for whom a trip in a taxi has become commonplace.
If you want to get out of town Odintsovo to any airport or train station, you can try to curb trip transportation, for this you will need to drive a bus or train to the subway station, take metro, and probably with a change, then you may need to travel again on an electric train, express train or by shuttle transportation. Duration of such Travel may be comparable to the duration of the upcoming trip, not to mention the comfort and financial side. But with the advent of a taxi at Odintsovo residents an opportunity to fast and comfortable trip to the airport or to station. The competitive environment of the taxi market keeps the prices of such visits on a fairly acceptable level.