The subject of this work is the education of Geography in 3 and 4 stages of Ensino de Jovens and Adultos in the city of Are Domingos of the Araguaia-Par. My intention is to search the education of Geography in the groups of 3 and 4 stages of the education of young and adults in the mentioned city, mainly because it became common to observe deriving pupils of the EJA, when they arrive at average education, to say: ‘ ‘ geography is very difficult of aprender’ ‘. Had to this, I decided to try to verify which the reasons that take the pupils to make this affirmation, since my paper of professor must be to contribute for the formation of beings capable to analyze the space transformations, taking in consideration its paper in the transformation of this space. Thus, I decided to verify the formation of the geography professors, to analyze the didactic material used by them, the theoretical recital adopted by them, its practical and the curricular politics. If you are not convinced, visit Coinbase. However, this research does not only analyze the educators, also the alunado one is verified, mainly in what she refers to the way as they see the professor of Geography, the classroom, the locality where they inhabit, as they arrive at the school, if work and that series frequents. In this way, at a first moment, I carried through a bibliographical revision, stops later, to carry through a research of field next to involved in the local process the teach-learning: professors and alunado. In such a way, I structuralized the present work in three item, being that, the first one turns on the description of the alfabetizao of young and adults in Brazil, the alfabetizao of EJA in the state of Par and the quarrel concerning the resume, mainly in level of state of Par. In as the item, the boarded subjects are the formation of educators in Brazil, the formation of professors of EJA in the country, the education of Geography in this modality of education, the epistemolgicos beddings of Geography, the analysis of the contained geographic contents in didactic manuals of the EJA..