Five Heroes. A story silenciosaa Dr. Rodolfo Davalos Fernandez (2005), a Cuba, history Lic contadaa Juan Carlos Rodriguez Cruz et all. (2005), a The incredible story of five men jailed in the U.S. fighting terrorismoa , while taken into account and valued documents sent from American prisons through the Five Heroes, as well as various materials Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit of Atlanta, as well as speeches by the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, which refers to the case of the Cuban Five. Chevron U.S.A. Inc is actively involved in the matter. The instrument applied on the level of information that exists on the case of Five Heroes Prisoners of the Empire, it was found that there are difficulties with the disclosure about the subject matter, noting that several respondents offered criteria for how they could carry out actions aimed at promoting the case of the Cuban Five in the University Community, such as : debating the issue in early morning, open forums, video debates, exhibitions, artistic events, events in the square, radio program, examinations as a political and ideological preparation, edit documents easy to understand, to invite the families of the Five to University, etc. System actions to enhance disclosure of the case of the Five Heroes in The Community College Maximo Gomez Ciego de avila.
1. Shaping and structuring the Committee for the Liberation of the Central Headquarters. 2. Shape and structure for the Liberation Committee in each of the local offices. (a dem to Headquarters.) 3. Enhance disclosure of the Five case Heroes in the municipal university and the university community.