Critical mass in Barcelona great bike demo critical mass is a cycling event with a purpose. It takes place every last Friday in the month in 250 cities around the world. The first critical event took place in San Francisco in 1992. Slowly but surely spread the idea behind that in other cities of the United States and in other countries. It aims to get from the sustainability and cleanliness of the cities and exists to the rights of cyclists to demand. There is no organization or movement; It’s just an event where people find together to ride a bicycle.
The critical varies from country to country level. The strange but wonderful is that critical mass is not structured. Often it is organised coincidence”referred to, since it has no leadership or membership. Cyclists decide spontaneously on a particular route to go and everyone is allowed to express his opinion. People take part in this event for different reasons. Some want the safety of cyclists promote, while others want to promote cycling as a daily means of transport and the rest is easy to drive it with another bike. Critical mass as got its name? The inspiration of the name comes from the documentary of the scorcher”by Ted White. The film is about the culture of cycling in different countries.
In this documentary film, there is a scene which shows that Chinese cyclists through fast traffic can cross no more roads. There are no traffic lights which regulate traffic. It takes so long, pile until many cyclists in one place and wait until they can cross the street slowly together. This accumulation of cyclists is called in the movie critical”measure. Barcelona respected cyclists Barcelona is a friendly city. Over the years, the use of bicycles in the city has grown rapidly. According to the City Council for mobility, Educard Freixedes a new plan to increase the safety of cycling. It is no wonder that the critical Mass in Barcelona as feels at home. The people that support the critical mass meet every last Friday of the month at 20.30 at the Arc de Triomf. The Arc de Triomf is an archway and not far from the popular holiday apartments in Barcelona. The poster, which was created by Spanish supporters following slogan has every day on the pedal, celebrates it once per month”or we block not the traffic, we are traffic’. Everyone is invited to participate free of charge. Participants are asked to wear reflective clothing or clothing with bright colors, so that they are seen from afar. As soon as this event takes place there are workshops that help cyclists, for example, a Fahrradreperatur. You should let your Barcelona vacation this event not to be missed, because it’s very impressive how 200 or 300 people at the same time cycling. Anyone can join, you must to simply rent a bike of the night and meet the other cyclists. You’ll love it with safety! When you add to the critical mass on Facebook would, on this page, click: massacriticabcn SG BarcelonPoint