I am also thankful to tripadvisor that gives the right us to retort; since we considered of an enormous injustice that the enormous investment realised in the hotel San Remo, acquired in the 2004 and completely reformed, it is thrown by ground by a direct critic to the hotel that contains elements like minimum worthy to study and to debate. The first element to debate is that we do not know that writes the critic, that is to say we must think to us (and you also read who it) that the one that writes is a real client and no, for example, a hotel of the same zone that decides to use this formula like method of disloyal competition. The second point is to know through what agency has realised the client the reserve. Before this we asked ourselves. The agency or page Web gave precise and detailed information of the hotel? They were offered in the reserve services that were not in the contract? Unfortunately, the anonymity of the critic lets little margin to us to find out the deficiencies and the same intensity of the East point directly is related to the following one.
The relation quality – price. When the client was lodged. If he were in August, surely the client paid until a 50% more than if she had reserved in June, even that with the change to the pound to an English she will leave a 30% to him economic than to a Spanish. The hotel could be raised to only sell the hotel to the British market, but we considered to our hotels abiertos to everybody, as the same island is it. Another less important element is not: criticism the client to the Hotel or its Hotel + its vacations. Generally, I personally read enough claims and in many they appear that they robbed to them in the beach, or that the airplane was delayed three hours.
Cranme, a client who arrives at a hotel 6 hours after which had considered will be much more demanding with the hotel that who has not had problems of that type. Finally, although the hotel is exhibited to critics although these are exposed in sites without their express consent, they are not in favor it at any moment, and of obvious reasons, the clients. What I mean on the matter is that of approximately the 45,000 clients who were lodged in San Remo the last year, the immense majority behaves enough or, however, as in all sites there is people of thoughtless conduct, that affects the deserved rest or of the rest of the clients. Normally the hotel is hard with these clients, some of which it has had to evacuate of the hotel, to produce flaws in the facilities, by crude conducts and sometimes until obscene (some case has had). Not I say that the one that writes the critic is one of these clients, but as we do not know writes that it, we cannot confirm it nor deny.