In this historical event, God chooses Gideo more and (300) three hundred men to free its people of the Midianita oppression (the descendants of Media). second and third vigil (Lucas 12,38); E, if to come in the second vigil, and if to come in the third vigil, and to thus find them, fortunate is such servants. In recent months, Rio Tinto Group has been very successful. The narrative enhances as the vigilant servant must behave itself, keeping the lighted candeias and its cingidos lombos (pressed; alert; erect etc.) the wait of its Sir to come back of the Weddings. the vigil of the morning (Exodus 14,24): happened that, in the vigil of that morning, Mr., in the fire column and of cloud, it saw the field of the Egyptians, and took off the wheels to them of its cars, and to fer them to walk dificultosamente. …. The stretch registers one of the innumerable miracles carried through by God in favor of its people. In this episode, it made to open the Red sea (sea of rushes) so that its people crossed in dry, exempting them of the Egyptian slavery. As soon as the Egyptian cars and knights, the control of Fara, had entered to cross it, it made with that the sea if closed and all had been died.
The Romans divided the night in four military vigils; namely: of the afternoon; the midnight one; of singing of the rooster (of midnight ace 3 hours of the dawn) and of the morning. As registered in the Landmark book, CAP. 13.35: You watch, therefore, because you do not know when it will come you of the house; if to the afternoon, if the midnight, if when singing of the rooster, if per the morning.