In the time of Jesus it had many politician-religious groups, however, the most cited in the New Will they are the Scribes and the Fariseus. The Master uses these two categories of people when he wants to teach the people on the perigos of an established religion only in the practical one of rituals and the Law, without the mercy and the love, or on coated attitudes of hypocrisies. The Scribes also were called Doctors of the Law, for being deep experts of the Holy Writs. They had monopolized the interpretation of the Word of God and if they had become guides spirituals of the people, dictating, also, the rules for direction of the cult. The Fariseus was integrant of one another group. They were allies to the sacerdotal elite and great land proprietors. Fariseu wants to say separate.

Thus they lived. Far from the simple people. The Fariseus was reliable of the Law and creators of traditions. Escribas and Fariseus were sympathetical between itself, the point of many Scribes to be also Fariseus. But, because it criticized them in such a way to Jesus? The reply we find in the proper Evangelho. Reflecting on it, we can conclude that scribes and fariseus still live today.

We can identify them through the attitudes of many Christians, catholics or evanglicos, that, even so assduos freqentadores of its Church, had not yet understood what it is to belong the Christ, leaving to be transparent a great incoherence between what it nails itself and what is lived. Perhaps if Jesus was to pronounce today in the language of what he said in Mateus 23, 13-36, would say thus: There of vocs hypocritical scribes and fariseus! Vocs closes the kingdom of the Sky for the men. Nor they enter, nor they leave to enter those that they desire. Vocs is hypocritical.