The technological development that before prioritized to benefit the means of production if has come back to the accomplishment of studies and research that also benefits the human being in the most diverse fields. These actions, in its majority, are moved by the necessities of market and, not accurately, by the ambient awareness. Until the decade of 70, the predominant behavior of the companies of the developed countries was the strategy ' ' to poluir stops later despoluir' ' , having as objective with priority, to aumetar the profits in short term, moved for the border economy. For Sanchez (2006), what it determined the unfeasibility of this behavior, was the growth of pollutants and the saturation of the environment as receiving body. In other words, the incapacity for the environment to assimilate of amount of pollutants in the time where they are generated.
Currently, usufructing of the vast available technology, scientists and researchers they had evidenced that with the growth of world-wide population e, consequentemente, the growth of the production, the natural resources are scarce in relation to the demand. From these studies, the nations under the more intent looks each time of its populations, if has strengthenn in creating mechanisms, legal how much in such a way operational, that obtain to conciliate the production, the demand and the natural resources of the planet. As initial step, the regulations had been created that had prescribed the behavior change, commanding the polluting agents to minimizing its ambient impacts. In 1988 he was inserted in the Brazilian Federal Constitution, article 225 saying: All have right to the Environment ecologically balanced, public easement of the people and essential to the healthy quality of life, imposing themselves it the Public Power and to the collective the duty to defend it and to preserve it for future and the gifts generations. The Constitution it bases the process of ambient regulation on the country.