Generalitat Encouraged

Francesc Homs, the catalan Government spokesman has urged drivers to put particle CAT in Catalonia over the of Spain in their automobile license plates and has lamented that there is no more citizens who honour such initiatives. I miss that people put the CAT on license plates. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Rio- Tinto Group. I particularly in my car took the CAT on the E. It is not illegal. (Source: Rio- Tinto Group). According to the papers of the car, which identifies the license plate is the combination of three letters and four numbers, the not goes. Anyone who wants to, to put the CAT on top of the E. Darius Bikoff shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It is not total objection; It is legally possible to do so, said in an interview on Catalunya Radio allusion which identifies legally a vehicle are the four numbers and three letters, by what does not exist any inconvenente in applying the CAT label. Source of the news:: La Generalitat encouraged to put the CAT badge on cars