With these answers it was possible to perceive that the main concern of the institucional evaluation inside of this private school still is the learning of the pupils, and secondary form the performance of the professors, the evaluation of them you discipline and the evaluation pertaining to school management. However, showing that the evaluation of the institution is necessary as a whole and not only of some segregated elements, Souza (2005, P. 33) explains that the institucional evaluation of the one great support to the management of the school; in the reality it is party to suit of management of the school, but not only with a tool the service of raising given for the planning and monitoramento of the pertaining to school actions. (…) When the school if makes use to think on same itself, evaluating the set of the elements and actions constitute that it (grifo ours), raising and socializing information on itself, it ' ' if expe' ' to the society, that is, it allows that the society, final addressee of the pertaining to school work and its bigger mantenedora, follow, control and also she evaluates its performance. In the continuation, when ' was asked if; ' its school carries through the sensitization to promote the shelter, the construction and the participation of all in the avaliativo process? ' ' , 75% of the interviewed ones (professor, director and pupil) had said that this always happens, and 25% (father) said that this occurred to the times. Thus, this in the sample that the necessary school to more invite the responsible ones of the pupils to participate of the evaluations that occur inside of it, therefore thus such also will share its desires and also they will increase its commitment in participating actively of the pertaining to school actions. After that, when it had the questioning on ' ' actions that precede the stages of preparation and development of the auto-evaluation in its escola' ' , we had the following percentages of answers: 75% (professor, director and father) – Accomplishment of meetings with all the segments of the Institution; 50% (professor and director) – collective Construction of the pointers and instruments of collection of data; 25% (pupil) – Application of the evaluation instruments; 25% (managing) – Analysis and interpretation of the data Partial Reports; 50% (professor and pupil) – Quarrel of the results with the internal community; 100% – Spreading of the result of the Internal Evaluation for the pertaining to school community, also to the responsible ones for the pupils; 75% (professor, director and father) – Reflection on the avaliativo process. .