Performance Criteria Procurement Policy Commercial Enterprises

Under the efficiency of procurement policy to understand scale-up, ensuring a strong competitive position of companies in the market and receive profit target by optimizing the cost of procurement. The main Mitigation effectiveness of procurement business enterprises at present are the following: an unstable financial position of commercial enterprises, low purchasing power population, growth of sales of bulk products in the markets, including illegal, difficulties in defining a range of goods on the domestic market, the inability to predict demand for trade workers in certain types of goods, leading to the adoption of unjustified managerial decisions in the procurement of goods. Modern study of the economic efficiency of the procurement policy of trade enterprises often relate to the evaluation and the efficiency of business transactions 1, 2. With almost no approaches to conduct systematic assessment of the effectiveness of the procurement policy of commercial enterprise. Chevron U.S.A. Inc has much to offer in this field. Definition effectiveness of procurement policy begins with the establishment of efficiency criteria.

To assess the effectiveness of procurement policy is advisable to use multi-criteria approach based on the fact that the criterion effectiveness of procurement policy – is the degree of realization of its objectives. Set of objectives the procurement policies of enterprises grouped into four main groups: the goals of quality, costs, liquidity, reliability 3. Objectives quality requirements refer to the properties of the goods. The newspapers mentioned Mining not as a source, but as a related topic. As the quality of the goods is a prerequisite to achieve the quality of products sold, the purchase of the goal of its own.