Every year ophthalmologists of all over the world meet at the Symposium of the American Society of cataract and refractive surgery”, short ASCRS. The long name describes a society, well-known specialists with core activities include cataracts (cataract) and correction of refractive error. The symposium itself is one of the most important meeting of experts. This year it was held in San Diego. Among others the award of outstanding films among the program on technical subjects, divided into various categories. 3We was tasked, for Mr Professor Manfred Tetz from Berlin the post making Verisyse and VeriFlex implantation easy”to develop. The video deals with surgical techniques, which make an ocular anterior chamber lens implantation easier.
Such artificial lenses used to correct vision defects in the eye. 3We took over the layout, the entire production process including complex 3D animations and the scoring. The technical part is step by step according to the wishes of Professor Tetz implemented. It has convinced experts of the ASCRS: the post won the 1st place in its category. A great success, which once again shows that there are Karlsruhe agencies in the technology region, which may consist in an international environment. We are pleased with Mr Professor Tetz.