This problematic it sent to us a work to it that could not become exclusive, that is, only to work with the users the informative process of the craft of the professional inside of that institution. Better to play our role, we unite the question in debate with the actions that must be played, a time that the performance in the area of the health requires of the professionals a bigger attention, therefore the process of adoecimento of general form and also with multiple deficiencies (DST? s associates to other illnesses, for example), ahead of the profile epidemiologist of the city if spreads of alarming form. As already boarded in the body of this article, the performance of the Social Service in the NASF, context of period of training field and, after our inquiries in this, it exactly takes care of to take to the population attended for the nucleus the positive quality of the health services, being left clearly that, the NASF does not configure itself as a door of entrance in the attention services the health, but a support to inside have a reinforcement of the fight for the cure of males physiological, psychological and social that devastates the effective society. It was an experience of great fights, conquests, disillusions, but with much claw and force of will ours and so great conclusion and perfectioning in the learning, we obtain to conclude our activities detaching and taking to all the importance of the work of the Social Assistant and the necessity that the society has of being attended by this service, over all the masses more vulnerable than they live in this world of after-capitalism, that if presents to each wilder day.