Many times we ask in them on what it is more important to be happy to have health, much money, clothes of the fashion, a mansion, and for there the rejection Therefore it is, to reflect a little on this would like to share with the excessively reading text to follow ' ' Penguin in focus Joo Cricket, reporter of the Forest Leaf, interviewed the great ecologist, Mr. Penguin-of-Adlia, in the International Conference of the Environment. REPORTER: It could you in saying why the penguins to them are classified as birds, if they do not fly? PENGUIN (smiling): This is an old history. We are sea birds. He sees, my body completely is re-covered of penalty. these my paddles already had been wing have many and many generations. Perfectly we are adapted to the life of the sea. REPORTER: It is truth that the penguins swim in a surprising speed? PENGUIN: Well, some penguins of our colony obtain to make 20 kilometers for the moment.
I, particularly, taste to make evolutions. To give pulls in water and to fall in foot on an ice block! REPORTER: as is the familiar structure of the penguins of its group? PENGUIN: Very we are well married. Nobody is divorced. Our women put two eggs per year. the hatching couple the eggs, alternatingly, in the nests. We are modern couples.
REPORTER: the organization of the colony? PENGUIN: Our filhotinhos are in day-care centers. All juntinhos. He is pretty to see. When it makes very cold, them form an immense ball. REPORTER: as is that vocs they identify its younglings? PENGUIN: Heart of mother is not deceived. It is deceptive? REPORTER: Which is the subject of its conference in this meeting? PENGUIN: I go to speak, accurately, on the familiar ecology. On the necessity of all the beings if to group in colonies, in families, one helping another one. Because the biggest pollution that exists in the world is the lovelessness It is not? Mr. Pingim was even so with its casaca and its smile that had come of frozen lands of Antarctica. ' ' (HISTORIES OF SONIA ROBATTO) now? How we are? How it is our familiar relationship? It will be that we are choosing optimum way for the happiness!